List of publications dealing directly or indirectly with the subject of walking sticks :
- Bastoni, dall'essenziale allo stupefacente
by Sergio Coradeschi, Alfredo Lamberti, Editoriale Giorgio Mondadori & Associati, (Milan 1986), 196 pages, 28 x 38 cm, ISBN 978-8837409753
- Bastoni, Le Collezioni
by Sergio Coradeschi, Maurizio de Paoli, (1993)
- Cane Curiosa, from Gun To Gadget
by Catherine Dike, Editions de L'Amateur, (Paris 1983), 374 pages, ISBN 2-85917-027-8
- Canes, from the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century
by Jefftrey B. Snyder, Schiffer Publishing Ltd, (Atglen (USA) 1993), 200 pages
- Canes & Walking Sticks
by Kurt Stein, (York (Pennsylvania) 1974), 175 pages, ISBN 978-0873870382
- Canes in the United States, Illustrated Mementoes of American History, 1607-1953
by Catherine Dike, Cane Curiosa Press, (Ladue, Missouri (USA) 1994), 398 pages, ISBN 0-9642249-0-9
- Cannes et parapluies et leurs anecdotes
by Sylvie Girard, MA éditions, (Paris 1986)
- Collections: les cannes
by Sergio Coradeschi et Maurizio De Paoli, Celiv, (1993)
- Essai historique, anecdotique sur le parapluie, l’ombrelle et la canne et leur fabrication
by René-Marie Cazal, F. Malteste et Cie, (Paris)
- Fascinating Walking Sticks
by Albert E. Boothroyd, Liberty Cap Books, (1970), 205 pages
- La canne au pays du couteau
by Jean-Luc Fayet, (Thiers 1988)
- La canne et ses mystères
Musée de Carouge, (Genève 1998), 137 pages
- La canne objet d'art
by Catherine Dike, Guy Bezzaz, Editions de l'amateur, Catherine Dike, (Paris, Genève 1988), 398 pages, ISBN 2-85917-074-1
- Le parapluie, l'ombrelle et la canne
by René-Marie Cazal, (1984)
- Les Cannes
by Pierre Faveton, Massin, (Paris), ISBN 2-7072-01324
- Les cannes d'art populaire, en Europe du XVIIe au XXe siècle
by Laurence Jantzen
- Les cannes à système, un monde fabuleux et méconnu
by Catherine Dike, Editions de L'Amateur, (Paris 1982), ISBN 2-85917-023-5
- Spazierstöcke, Zierde, Werkzeug und Symbol
by Ulrich Klever, Callwey Verlag, (Munich 1984)
- Sticks
by Oliver Selfridge, Houghton Mifflin Company, (Boston 1967)
- Stöcke
by Ulrich Klever, W. Heyne Verlag, (Munich 1980)
- The Romance behind Walking Canes
by William J. Burtche, Dorrance and Company, (Philadelphie 1945)
- Walking Sticks, Shire Album 256
by Catherine Dike, Shire Publications, (2002), 32 pages, ISBN 0-7478-0079-0
- Wanderstöcke
Roven Verlag, (1982)